PSORIASIS - can aloe vera help?

aloe vera aloe vera pure gel dry skin flare up inflammation itchy skin psoriasis red patches skin condition skin disease skin disorder

Psoriasis can be a very unpleasant skin disorder causing dry, itchy or inflamed plaques on the body. But the symptoms can be kept under certain control and nature can offer its great help.

One of the natural remedies that can play a big part in relieving the symptoms is aloe vera. Plant that offers so many benefits. One in a million. 

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ALOE VERA - The lily of the desert that never lets you down

The plant we love.

Our everyday first aid kit to help with minor injuries, sunburn, skin conditions. The faithfull ally for cooling, soothing, calming and healing. So much more that a simple plant can offer.

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Aloe vera

A short reading about the origin of aloe plant and a general insight into the reasons why is aloe vera such a popular component of personal skincare.

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LIQUID GOLD - best natural oil for skin

argan moisturiser skin aging skin's elasticity skincare

Not only it is aloe vera that has a great impact on our skin but also nowaday widely used plant oils. One of the richest oils in the botanical world is argan oil.

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The 10 most important components of ALOE VERA

aloe vera benefits pure gel skincare

What makes aloe vera so beneficial to our skin? Here is an overview on aloe vera effects and why we like aloe based products.

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